Ge t t in g St a rt e d
Pla yin g Ca sse t t e s
Op e ra t in g t h e Ca sse t t e Pla ye r
Op e n in g t h e Ca sse t t e Ho ld e r
To stop
Press p STOP.
To wind the tape
To adjust the volume
Press ) or 0.
Turn the VOL control.
Ra d io Ca sse t t e Pla ye r
No t e s o n p la yin g ca sse t t e s
• Do not use cassettes longer than 90 minutes except for long
continuous playback.
Op e ra t in g In st ru ct io n s
Clo sin g t h e Ca sse t t e Ho ld e r
WALKMAN is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
• If your Walkman has not been used for a long time, run the
Walkman for a few minutes before inserting a cassette.
• Do not wind the headphones cord around the Walkman.
The buttons may be kept pressed, causing unnecessary battery
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is running.
• When the tape ends, the locked 9 PLAY button will be
released automatically. The locked ) or 0 button must be
released by pressing p STOP button.
Sony Corporation © 1996
Printed in Taiwan, R.O.C.
Fo r t h e cu st o m e rs in t h e U.S.A.
If t h e ca sse t t e h o ld e r ca n n o t b e o p e n e d *
Open the rubber cap, then open the cassette holder.
When the cassette holder opens, remember to close the rubber
cap. (The Walkman is not water-resistant with the cassette
holder open.)
The model number is located at the rear and the
serial number is located inside the cassette holder.
Record the serial number in the space provided
below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your
Sony dealer regarding this product.
Air outlet
Model No. WM-FS191
Serial No.
Se t t h e FUNCTION
se le ct o r t o TAPE.
Rubber cap
* Since the Walkman is airtight, you may not be able to open the
cassette holder because of a sudden change in air pressure
inside the Walkman which happens after being transported on
a plane or moving from a warm place to a cold place.
Fe a t u rin g
In se rt a ca sse t t e .
AVLS (Au t o m a t ic Vo lu m e Lim it e r
Syst e m )
The AVLS selector allows you to limit the maximum
volume of your Walkman personal stereo without
degrading the sound quality.
• When you set the AVLS selector to LIMIT (around
85dB), the maximum volume is kept down to protect
your ears.
In se rt in g Ba t t e ry
Insert two AA (R6) batteries in correct polarity.
AA (R6) × 2
• When the AVLS selector is set to LIMIT, the playback
sound may be distorted or unstable according to the
music (especially the bass boosted part). If this happens,
turn down the volume.
• When the AVLS selector is set to NORM, you will be
able to enjoy the full volume capability of your
Walkman personal stereo.
Se t t h e TAPE sw it ch t o
m a t ch t h e t a p e t yp e .
Re m o vin g Ba t t e ry
No t e s o n b a t t e ry
• When you do not use your Walkman for a long time, remove
the battery to avoid any damage caused by battery leakage and
subsequent corrosion.
• When the battery become weak, the BATT indicator will dim
and the sound will be distorted or unstable. In such a case,
replace both batteries.
Pre ss 9 PLAY.
• Concerning the battery life, see “Specifications”.
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