Printed on 100% recycled paper using VOC (Volatile
Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink.
To ca n ce l a st o re d st a t io n
Pre p a ra t io n s
To In se rt Ba t t e rie s A
Follow the procedure above and in step 3, press and
hold TUNING +/ – until “- - - -” is displayed and
select the preset number you want to cancel using
PRESET +/ –. Press ENTER while “- - - -” is flashing.
– Lead-free solder (is) used for soldering in main portions.
– The main printed wiring boards do not contain halogenated
flame retardants.
Ra d io
Ca sse t t e Pla ye r
No Poly-Vinyl-Chloride is used for the cord of the
1 Slide open the battery compartment lid,
and insert two R6 (size AA) dry batteries
with correct polarity.
– Vegetable-based Plastic is used for the cabinet of the main
unit. Vegetable-based plastic can be decomposed into water
(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by natural microorganisms.
It uses recyclable natural sources, and aims to save petroleum
Pla yin g t h e p re se t ra d io st a t io n s
Operating Instructions
1 Press FM or AM to select the band.
Replace the batteries with the new ones when “
flashes in the display.
2 Press PRESET +/ –.
The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those
countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in the
countries EEA (European Economic Area).
Usin g o t h e r fu n ct io n s
Lo ckin g t h e co n t ro ls
Set the HOLD switch in the direction of the G mark
to lock the controls.
The HOLD function only locks the radio operation
buttons and MEGA BASS.
Pla yin g a Ta p e
1 Insert a cassette.
2 Press NPLAY.
Adjust the volume with VOLUME.
Em p h a sizin g b a ss so u n d
“MEGA BASS” appears in the display.
“WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Stop playback
Wind rapidly*
is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
Sony Corporation ©2002 Printed in Japan
* If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or
rewound, the battery will be consumed rapidly. Be
sure to press xSTOP.
• If the sound is distorted when MEGA BASS is
activated, turn down the volume of the main unit or
select normal mode.
• Bass emphasis may not show great effect if the volume
is tuned up too high.
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is
Pro t e ct in g yo u r h e a rin g —AVLS
(Au t o m a t ic Vo lu m e Lim it e r Syst e m )
Set AVLS to LIMIT. The maximum volume is kept
down to protect your ears.
List e n in g t o t h e Ra d io
1 If the HOLD function is turned on, slide the
HOLD switch in the opposite direction of
the arrow to unlock the controls.
Make sure that the tape has stopped
Pre ca u t io n s
On b a t t e rie s
AA (R6) x 2
• Do not carry dry batteries with coins or other metallic objects.
It can generate heat if the positive and negative terminals of the
batteries are accidentally contacted by a metallic object.
• When you are not going to use your Walkman for a long time,
remove the batteries to prevent damage from battery leakage
and corrosion.
2 Press FM or AM to select the desired band
and to turn on the radio.
3 Press TUNING +/ – to tune in to the desired
If you hold down TUNING +/ – for a few
seconds, the Walkman will start tuning to
the stations automatically.
On h a n d lin g
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a
place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or sand,
moisture, rain, mechanical shock, or in a car with its windows
To t u rn o ff t h e ra d io
Press OFF.
• Do not use cassettes longer than 90 minutes except for long
continuous playback.
• The LCD display may become hard to see or slow down when
using the unit at high temperatures (above 40°C/ 104°F) or at
low temperatures (below 0°C/ 32°F). At room temperature, the
display will return to its normal operating condition.
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the
playback mode to warm it up for a few minutes before you
start using it again.
To im p ro ve b ro a d ca st re ce p t io n B
• For FM: Extend the headphones/ earphones cord
(antenna) or adjust ST• FM MONO.
• For AM: Reorient the unit itself.
On h e a d p h o n e s/e a rp h o n e s
Ro a d sa fe t y
Do not use headphones/ earphones while driving, cycling, or
operating any motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard
and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous
to play your headphones/ earphones at high volume while
walking, especially at pedestrian crossings.
Pre se t t in g Ra d io St a t io n s
You can preset up to 30 stations, 20 for FM and 10 for
Pre se t t in g Au t o m a t ica lly Sca n n e d
St a t io n s
You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue use in
potentially hazardous situations.
1 Press FM or AM to select the desired band
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e
Do not use headphones/ earphones at high volume. Hearing
experts advise against continuous, loud and extended play. If
you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or
discontinue use.
and to turn on the radio.
2 Press ENTER for more than 2 seconds.
Preset number 1 will flash in the display
and the Walkman starts scanning the
stations from the lower frequencies and
stops for about 3 seconds when a station is
There is a tactile dot beside VOLUME on the main unit to show the direction to turn up the volume.
** The button has a tactile dot.
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear
outside sounds and to be considerate to the people around you.
On m a in t e n a n ce
Sp e cifica t io n s
• Frequency range
• Clean the tape head and tape path using a cotton swab and
commercially available cleaning solvent after every 10 hours of
3 If you wish to preset the received station,
press ENTER while the preset number is
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** Sony R6P (SR)
FM: 87.5 - 108 MHz
• To clean the exterior, use a soft cloth slightly moistened in
water. Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner.
• Clean the headphones/ earphones plugs periodically.
Tape playback
AM: 530 - 1 710 kHz (North, Central and South America)
531 - 1 602 kHz (Other countries)
Radio reception 40
The received station is preset on preset
number 1 and the unit starts scanning for
the next receivable station.
• Pow er requirements
3V DC, batteries R6 (size AA) x 2
* Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics
and Information Technology Industries Association).
(Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)
**When using Sony LR6(SG) “STAMINA” alkaline dry
batteries (produced in Japan).
• Dimensions (w /h/d)
Approx. 91.6 x 116.1 x 35.3 mm (3 5⁄8 × 4 5⁄8 × 1 7⁄16 inches)
excl. projecting parts and controls
4 Repeat step 3 until all receivable stations are
• Mass
Approx. 174 g (6.2 oz) (main unit only)
To t u rn o ff t h e ra d io
Press OFF.
• Supplied accessory
• The battery life may be shorter depending on the operating
condition, the surrounding temperature and battery type.
Stereo headphones or Stereo earphones (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
• If stations are already stored, the newly preset stations
replace the old ones when the above procedure is
Pre se t t in g St a t io n s Ma n u a lly
1 Press FM or AM.
2 Press ENTER.
The frequency digits and a preset number
flash in the display.
3 While the frequency digits and the preset
number are flashing, tune in to a station you
wish to store using TUNING +/ –, and select
a preset number using PRESET +/ –.
4 While the frequency digits and the preset
number are flashing, press ENTER.
• If you cannot complete step 3 or 4 while the indicators
are flashing, repeat from step 2.
• If a station is already stored, the new station replaces
the old one.
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